In the afternoon on Day 2 Ren Torosyants from Gymnastics Mississauga was our clinician for the training camp. Ren has a long history of acrobatics and circus performance and has been helping Canadian Gymnasts develop new and unique skills for many years. Recently he was able to begin his own acrobatics recreational program at the Gymnastics Mississuaga facility. Just like acrobatics in the rest of the country, Ren's program is just getting off the ground. He was able to bring a women's trio to perform a short routine for us and we thank them for participating and assisting with the camp as well. Ren's group showed the rest of us that creating acrobatic gymnastics routines here in Ontario is simply a matter of will and knowledge. Sharing his knowledge with everyone at the camp is great stepping stone for us and we will rely on Ren in the future to help us develop ourselves as coaches technically.
A big thanks to Ren for this enthusiasm and willingness to participate.
As well Ren delivered a final thought for the athletes that if they are willing to train with heart and determination they will be able to train safely and with higher levels of success and enjoyment. Acrobatic gymnastics more so than any other discipline requires team work and communication. This was not only a great lesson for the athletes but a model we will need to follow over the next few years as we all work together in Ontario and Canada to make Acrobatic Gymnastics a strong discipline.
Thanks Ren and Gymnastics Mississauga!
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